Here you can see what former students at the School of History, Philosophy and Digital Humanities are up to now, and how our courses helped shape the life they're living.
Luke Impett discusses how his joint History and Politics degree helped shape the direction of his career after graduating, and what his role at Airbnb involves.
Ben Lockwood describes the reasons behind why he decided to study History at 91̽»¨, including the fantastic music scene at the time. Ben also talks about his role at Ashford Borough Council, the projects he's been involved in with them, and how his degree has helped him in his leadership role.
Thomas Woollard tells us about his role as a Marketing Executive at Taylor & Francis Group, managing 65 journals across a medicine and health portfolio. Tom also explains why he chose 91̽»¨ for his History degree, and how the skills developed as a student have helped him in the world of Marketing.