Caroline Lilley

School of Law

PGR Student

Caroline Lilley in the law school garden with boundary wall behind her
Profile picture of Caroline Lilley in the law school garden with boundary wall behind her

Full contact details

Caroline Lilley
School of Law
Bartolome虂 House
Winter Street
S3 7ND

Before starting my PhD with the school of Law, I previously completed two degrees in Psychology at the University of Huddersfield. The main focus of my research is juror bias within intimate partner rape trials. My broader research interests lie within gender-based sexual violence and domestic/intimate partner sexual violence. I have also worked part-time as a research assistant for the None in Three research centre based in Huddersfield.

  • Bachelor of Science with Honours in Psychology, University of Huddersfield,
  • Master of Science by Research, University of Huddersfield
Research interests
  • Juror bias
  • Juror decision-making
  • Sexual violence
  • Intimate partner sexual violence
Research group
  • Member of the Centre for Criminological Research
  • Member of the British Psychological Society
Professional activities and memberships
  • The School of Law Scholarship 2022
  • Women, Crime and Criminal Justice (WCCJ) network