Living Life to the Fullest Co-Production Toolkit – An Update!

The Living Life to the Fullest project, co-led by iHuman’s Dan Goodley, Katherine Runswick-Cole and Kirsty Liddiard and The Co-Researcher Collective, is really pleased to be hosting an ESRC Festival of Social Sciences event again this year.

A lego model

Our event – Creativity and Co-Production: Possibilities for Research – will take place on Tuesday 5th November 2019 from 2.00pm – 4.00pm at The Circle, 91̽»¨. You can get your free tickets .

In this lively and interactive event, you can learn about the politics and practicalities of researching with disabled young people from disabled young people themselves. We will launch our Living Life to the Fullest Co-Production Toolkit – an invaluable resource that will guide you in innovative ways of working in collaboration with disabled young people, whether you are a researcher, professional, practitioner or student. The event will include short and creative presentations, group discussion, and a Q&A, as well as showcasing young people’s artwork from across the project.

The Co-Production Toolkit aims to record and disseminate with others our ways of working in co-production with disabled young people in the research process. Through the Toolkit, we want to diversify our methods and practices of co-production to a broader demographic of young people: including young people with the labels of learning disability and autism, who are routinely omitted from research process. We want to take an online and offline approach – with downloadable resources such as short films, podcasts, animations and templates co-created by our co-researchers and student-collaborators. We also want to explore the possibilities of research as a learning practice for SEND pedagogy and politics. Ultimately, we want the Toolkit to be used by youth workers, teachers, social work practitioners, academics, researchers, and charities.

  • For more information about the Living Life to the Fullest Co-Production Toolkit, please see .
  • You can follow the Living Life to the Fullest project on Twitter on @FullLivesESRC
Robot reading books


How we understand being ‘human’ differs between disciplines and has changed radically over time. We are living in an age marked by rapid growth in knowledge about the human body and brain, and new technologies with the potential to change them.

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