ࡱ> vxu5@ bjbj22 .hXX  x8x8x888<8 J9:(::::::;;;IIIIIII$KRNZI>;;>>I::::ICCC>R::::IC>ICCCVD@8E::9  -x8BF E 4F\I0J,E wNbB<wN8E  wN8E;;Co<t<;;;II DPd'C P'Identification of 13 polymorphic microsatellite loci in the zebra finch Taeniopygia guttata (Passeridae, AVES) DEBORAH A. DAWSON, JOHN CHITTOCK, ROBERT JEHLE, APRIL WHITLOCK, DENISE NOGUEIRA, JAYNE PELLATT, TIM BIRKHEAD, TERRY BURKE Department of Animal and Plant Sciences, University of 91̽, 91̽, S10 2TN, UK Appendix 1 Passerine microsatellite loci tested for amplification and polymorphism in a sample of 2-109 zebra finches Taeniopygia guttata (Passeridae, Aves) Locus codeLocus referenceSource species of locus*Source family of locus*Genetic distance from locus source species to T. guttataNumber of loci testedMcy4Double et al. 1997Malurus cyaneusMaluridae12.81Ppi2Martinez et al. 1999Pica picaCorvidae12.81Fhu2Primmer et al. 1996aFicedula hypoleucaMuscicapidae12.81Pca1, 4, 7, 9Dawson et al. 2000Parus caeruleusParidae11.14Hru2, 5, 6, 7Primmer et al. 1996bHirundo rusticaHirundinidae11.14AseRichardson et al. 2000Acrocephalus sechellensisSylviidae11.149Pocc6Bensch et al. 1997Phylloscopus occipitalisSylviidae11.11Pdo5, 6Griffiths et al. 1999Passer domesticusPasseridae>9.82(Zebra finch)None availableTaeniopygia guttataPasseridae00INDIGOSefc et al. 2001Vidua chalybeataPasseridae>9.811Lox1-4, 6-8Piertney et al. 1998Loxia scoticaFringillidae10.07Esc1-6Hanotte et al. 1994Emberiza schoeniclusFringillidae10.06Mme8, 12Jeffrey et al. 2001Melospiza melodiaFringillidae10.02Dp1, 3, 5, 15Dawson et al. 1997Dendroica petechiaFringillidae10.04 Identities of actual loci used, full reference and results of their testing are provided in the 91̽ Molecular Genetics Facility Web Database:  HYPERLINK "http://www.shef.ac.uk/misc/groups/molecol/birdmarkers.html" http://www.shef.ac.uk/misc/groups/molecol/birdmarkers.html. *based on Sibley & Monroe (1990) based on Sibley & Ahlquist (1990) Additional References for Appendix Bensch S, Price T, Kohn J (1997) Isolation and characterization of microsatellite loci in a Phylloscopus warbler. Molecular Ecology, 6, 91-92. Dawson DA, Hanotte O, Greig C, Stewart IRK, Burke T (2000) Polymorphic microsatellites in the blue tit Parus caeruleus and their cross-species utility in twenty songbird families. Molecular Ecology, 9, 1941-1944. Dawson RJG, Gibbs HL, Hobson KA, Yezerinac SM (1997) Isolation of microsatellite DNA markers from a passerine bird, Dendroica petechia (the yellow warbler), and their uses in population studies. Heredity, 79, 506-514. Double MC, Dawson D, Burke T, Cockburn A (1997) Finding the fathers in the least faithful bird: a microsatellite-based genotyping system for the superb fairy-wren Malurus cyaneus. Molecular Ecology, 6, 691-693. Jeffrey KJ, Keller LF, Arcese P, Bruford MW (2001) The development of microsatellite loci in the song sparrow, Melospiza melodia (Aves) and genotyping errors associated with good quality DNA. Molecular Ecology Notes, 1, 11-13. Primmer CR, Mller A.P., Ellegren H (1996a) New microsatellites from the pied flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca and the swallow Hirundo rustica genomes. Hereditas, 124, 281-283. Primmer CR, Mller AP, Ellergren H (1996b) A wide-range survey of cross-species microsatellite amplification in birds. Molecular Ecology, 5, 365-378. Sibley CG, Ahlquist JE (1990) Phylogeny and Classification of Birds: A Study in Molecular Evolution. Yale University Press, New Haven. Sibley CG, Monroe BL (1990) Distribution and Taxonomy of Birds of the World. Yale University Press, New Haven. 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