Anthony Copeland

School of Education

EdD Doctoral Research student

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Full contact details

Anthony Copeland
School of Education
The Wave
2 Whitham Road
S10 2AH

Anthony works at the American School of Dubai as the Technology Integration Specialist where he teaches computer science and robotics while coordinating technology implementation and integration initiatives. He has more than a decade of experience teaching middle school science, diploma level physics and the theory of knowledge course of the international baccalaureate at international schools across Asia.

Research interests
  • Artificial Intelligence in Education
  • Educational Technology and the Future of Learning
  • Digital Literacies and Equity
  • Maker-Centered Learning and Constructionist Pedagogy
Professional activities and memberships
  • International Schools Conference Oman, Keynote Speaker, "Human Centered AI for Education: Responsible Innovation for Technology Enriched Schools"
  • International Schools Partnership Networks, Keynote Panel Member, "Integrating educational technology"
  • AIgnite Educators Conference, Workshop Leader

Media appearances and contributions

  • Copeland, A. (2022). Sustainable STEM. International School Leaders Magazine, 1(25), 12–15.
  • Copeland, A. (2023a). ChatGPT for Teaching and Learning. KDP.