
Specifications of the equipment available for use in the Sorby Centre.


Scanning Electron Microscopes (SEM)

  • JEOL 7900F field emission gun (FEG) SEM equipped with high resolution EBSD and EDS capabilities. This instrument forms part of the  at 91̽»¨.
  • FEI Nova Nano-SEM 450, high resolution FEG-SEM with EDS, EBSD and cathode luminescence capabilities.
  • FEI Inspect F, general purpose FEG-SEM equipped with SE and BE image detectors, and EDS. Excellent entry level high resolution SEM.
  • FEI Inspect F50, general purpose FEG-SEM equipped with SE and BE image detectors, EDS and EBSD. Similar imaging resolution to the Inspect F with additional analytical capabilities.

Focused Ion Beam Microscopes (FIB)

  • FEI Helios Nano-Lab G3 UC, advanced FEG-SEM/Ga-FIB system incorporating in-situ lift out (Easylift), EDS analysis and cryo-stage sample handling.
  • FEI Quanta 3D SEM/Ga-FIB, general purpose FIB/SEM equipped with EDS analysis and in-situ lift out (Omni-Probe).

Transmission Electron Microscopes (TEM)

JEOL 80-300kV Ultra-high resolution aberration corrected TEM/STEM. Utilising a cold field emission gun, this instrument provides probe and image corrected imaging at sub angstrom spatial resolution and includes both EDS and EELS capabilities.

JEOL F200 80-200kV, cold field emission gun high resolution analytical TEM/STEM offering the very latest in analytical transmission electron microscopy and forms part of the 91̽»¨ . Equipped with twin EDS detectors and fast-EELS capabilities, this instrument represents the state of the art in conventional TEM/STEM.

FEI Tecnai T20 provides general purpose high tilt TEM equipped with CCD camera for the collection of both bright/dark-field images and electron diffraction patterns.

Electron Probe Micro Analyser (EPMA)

JEOL JXA8530F+ equipped with four wavelength dispersive spectrometers (WDS), energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), panchromatic cathode luminescence (CL) and soft X-ray emission spectroscopy (SXES) detectors.

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