Dr Pete Crawforth
MEng, PhD
Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre
Technical Fellow
Full contact details
Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre
Factory of the Future, Advanced Manufacturing Park
Wallis Way, Catcliffe
S60 5TZ
- Profile
Pete holds an undergraduate degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of 91̽»¨. In 2014, he completed a PhD in Materials Science and Engineering at the same institution. His project studied the emerging subject of metallurgical analysis of machined titanium. More specifically, the mechanisms of microstructural damage were investigated in order to rationalise the formation of damaged structures.
Following this, he continued to work within the Department of Materials Science and Engineering having been granted an EPSRC / University of 91̽»¨ Doctoral Prize Fellowship. Pete is currently the Machining Group’s Technical Fellow for the Hole Generation Team. His primary area of research is in developing novel hole generation strategies for aircraft assemblies. He is responsible for the technical delivery of the AMRC’s One-way assembly (OWA) grand challenge, which has a current portfolio value of ~£1M including ATI, CATAPULT and AMRC Board and Directed generic funds.
Pete has been able to build a strong research team that is made up of research groups from across the AMRC. The OWA grand challenge was the AMRC’s first cross cutting coordinated work programme, which required building a team spanning the Composite Centre, IMG, DPTC and the Machining Group. His ambition for the grand challenge is to further utilise the cross cutting resources the AMRC has to offer and to lead the deployment of OWA best practices into the AMRC’s partner companies and the wider UK supply chain.
- Qualifications
MEng, PhD
- Research interests
Pete’s research interests include: Developing Novel Hole Generation Strategies for Aircraft Assemblies.
- Publications
Journal articles
- . CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, 52, 296-306.
- . Procedia CIRP, 123, 357-362.
- . Procedia CIRP, 123, 310-315.
- . Materials Characterization, 207, 113550-113550.
- . Wear, 204786-204786.
- . Wear, 204791-204791.
- . International Journal of Fatigue, 163, 107054-107054.
- . NDT & E International, 102682-102682.
- . Procedia CIRP, 108, 7-12.
- . Wear, 484-485, 203998-203998.
- . Advances in Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering, 100043.
- . International Journal of Fatigue, 142.
- . Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 117378-117378.
- . Materialia, 100856-100856.
- . Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 54, 240-250.
- . Procedia Manufacturing, 43, 463-470.
- . MATEC Web of Conferences, 321, 13002-13002.
- . MATEC Web of Conferences, 321, 04012-04012.
- . Materials Science and Engineering: A, 764.
- . Additive Manufacturing, 24, 20-29.
- . CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology.
- . Additive Manufacturing, 19, 39-50.
- . Wear, 374-375, 15-20.
- Subsurface deformation during precision turning of a near-alpha titanium alloy. Scripta Materialia.
- . Materials Science and Engineering: A.
Conference proceedings papers
- . 2024 IEEE 20th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE) (pp 1222-1227), 28 August 2024 - 1 September 2024.
- . 2024 IEEE 22nd International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN) (pp 1-6), 18 August 2024 - 20 August 2024.
- . Procedia CIRP, Vol. 87 (pp 170-175). Mondragón, Spain, 1 June 2020 - 5 June 2020.
- . Procedia CIRP, Vol. 87 (pp 420-425). Mondragon, Spain, 1 June 2020 - 5 June 2020.
- . Procedia CIRP, Vol. 45 (pp 151-154)
- . Procedia CIRP, Vol. 45 (pp 119-122)
- . Procedia CIRP, Vol. 45 (pp 219-222)
- High performance machining of Ti-834: Mechanisms of microstructural damage. Ti 2011 - Proceedings of the 12th World Conference on Titanium, Vol. 2 (pp 1607-1611)
- Research group